Event, Google Arts & Culture, Milan

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Museimpresa Google Arts & Culture 2023

Event, Google Arts & Culture, Milan

Navigating between history and the future: the Museo Nicolis on Google Arts & Culture!

The Museo Nicolis, associated with Museimpresa, goes online on one of the world’s most important informative platforms

The collaboration between Museimpresa and Google Cultural Institute has began: Monday 20th November at 11.30 am took place the official presentation of Museimpresa‘s page on Google Arts & Culture.

Thanks to this synergy, museums and business archives have entered, alongside the world’s most important cultural institutions, the online Google Arts & Culture platform with a collection of images and videos which tell the history of objects, of women and men who invented, experimented, produced, worked and created beauty and wellbeing.

The Museo Nicolis, in the Museimpresa circuit, aims to democratise access to culture and promote its preservation for future generations.

For information: www.museimpresa.com