Events, CCIAA Verona, Premio Fedeltà al Lavoro

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Premio Fedeltà Lavora 2024, Giorgio Adami con la Giunta e Silvia Nicolis ph Camera di Commercio Verona

Events, CCIAA Verona, Premio Fedeltà al Lavoro

Giorgio Adami is the Enterpreneur of the Year at the 44th edition of “Premio Fedeltà Lavoro”

Giorgio Adami, the Veronese entrepreneur of the year, was awarded today with the prestigious Domus Mercatorum Award by the Verona Chamber of Commerce at the closing of the 44th edition of the “Premio Fedeltà Lavoro”, in front of a packed hall: over 300 people, among the 44 award-winners, employees and companies with over 35 years of activity and their families.

The prestigious prize is awarded every year by the Verona Chamber of Commerce Council, of which Silvia Nicolis is a member, to the person who has most distinguished himself in the performance of his activities for the socio-economic development of the territory: Giorgio Adami has contributed substantially to the development of the provincial economy. He has managed the family business, Adami Autotrasporti Spa, with passion, innovation and foresight. He is one of the creators of the Academy LAST Technological Institute for post-diploma specialisation in logistics, automotive, internationalisation and digital.

Other winners

Fipav Verona, Italian Volleyball Federation Territorial Committee, Special prize for sport for having brought great sport back to the Arena of Verona with the organisation of the opening match of the Women’s European Volleyball Championship Italy-Romania on 15 August 2023.
Palazzo Maffei Casa Museo, Special Prize for Culture and Art to the Carlon family for having given Home to a Passion, creating an original and constantly evolving exhibition itinerary among ancient and modern masterpieces.
Vale un Sogno Cooperativa Sociale, Special prize for social work for having been able to offer new training and work placement opportunities to young people with intellectual disabilities, giving centrality to the person and social inclusion.
Neos Spa and Aeroporto Valerio Catullo Spa for the valuable teamwork that enabled the repatriation of our compatriots in difficulty following the tragic Israeli-Palestinian events.

Also receiving awards were the Caserta Family – Teatro Scientifico – Teatro Laboratorio Verona, Verona Premia di Mazzola Rino, Giuliatti Mario of Macelleria Giuliatti Snc, Dakota Group Sas Di Zeno Cipriani and architect Vincenzo Laici. The award for Innovative Enterprise went to Maxfone, for its ability to create value through data analysis. That for International Enterprise went to Caseificio Ghidetti and that for Female Enterprise to Supermercati Grisi. The special memorial prize went to Fernando Morando for his commitment to supporting businesses, the tertiary sector association, and our fellow citizens abroad and as a protagonist of the economic and social life of our province.

Members of the Verona Chamber of Commerce Board: President Giuseppe Riello, Silvia Nicolis and Carlo De Paoli (Confindustria), Daniele Salvagno (Coldiretti), Nicola Baldo, Paolo Artelio and Paolo Tosi (Confcommercio) Giandomenico Franchini (Confartigianato Verona).