Bar Let, 1925, Model 2

Home / Typewriters / Bar Let, 1925, Model 2
Marca: Bar-Let
Anno di produzione: 1925
Modello: Model 2
Nome: Bar-Let Model 2

Bar Let, 1925, Model 2

Bar Let, Model 2, 1925

The Bar-lock is essentially the same machine originally produced in 1922, in Germany, as Mitex. In 1923 the machine changed name into Tell, produced by Tell Schreibmaschinen Srl. The machine came back as Bar-Let in England, made by Bar-Lock Co. (1925) in Nottingham.

The case was made of vulcanizedfiber, that apparently gave it more strength over time and was lighter than metal.
It's a small typewriter with 3 rows of keys made of 170 main components and not many screws, ending up with a weight of 3 kilos. In England the external structure of vulcanized fiber was replaced by a metal one. The Mod. 2 the hammer movement was covered by a cover. 28 keys and automatic ribbon return. All the metal parts are chromed.

The writing mechanism of this machine was very rigid and was hard to write clearly. It was also not the best priced typewriter on the market and was introduced at the beginning of the Great Depression. Despite this it was sold in more than 50.000 units through the decade.