Symposium, Corporate Museums, CUEIM.

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Symposium, Corporate Museums, CUEIM.

Silvia Nicolis testimonial at the entrepreneurial symposium “Talking about business: successful stories among  heritage, corporate museums and territory” promoted by Fondazione CUEIM and coordinated by Marta Ugolini, University of Verona.

A debate between entrepreneurs who developed significant experiences in the field of promoting their own company heritage, in this case Silvia represented Museo Nicolis, Lamacart and Museimpresa and Francesco Vena the famous brand of the Lucano family, famous for their bitter.

The participants were:

Michael Cortelletti, owner of Coti Spa and promoter of the Food Democracy Museum project
Silvia Nicolis, Vicepresident of Museimpresa , Museo Nicolis
Francesco Vena, owner and CEO of Lucano 1894, museum Essenza Lucano
Paola Castellani, University of Verona, author of  “I musei d’impresa: un ponte sul futuro”, Giappichelli