MG, 1951, TD Midget

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Marca: MG
Modello: TD Midget
N. Cilindri / Cilindrata: 4/1250 cc
Potenza: 54 CV
Velocità: 125 km/h
Peso: 800 kg
Lunghezza: 368 cm
Larghezza: 148 cm
Altezza: 104 cm
Anno: 1951
Esemplari prodotti: 28.643

MG, 1951, TD Midget

MG “TD Midget", 1951

Morris Garages Ltd was the Morris dealer in Oxford and, as well as the firm, was owned by William Morris. They were specialized in manufacturing special bodies for Morris cars, especially for Oxfords and Cowleys. In 1922 Cecil Kimber became general manager of Morris Garages and greatly contributed to the foundation of MG (i.e. Morris Garages) as an independent company, even though in close cooperation with Morris. The production of the very first MG car can be traced back in 1925. Unfortunately in the 1980s, this glorious marque disappeared, while the MG brand kept being used by Rover for their sports cars.
Introduced in 1949, the TD model is one of a series of small sports cars, the Midgets, that started in 1936 with the TA and ended in 1955 with the TF. Still inspired by the 1930s style with very long wheel arches, small doors and big headlamps, the car has a handmade wooden dashboard and other details typical of that period.
The car shown in the museum is still in its original condition.

Shooting, Fasoli Gioielli, MG TD Midget§
Shooting, Calze Levante, MG TD Midget
2007 Gran Fondo Avesani, Piazza Brà, Verona.
2014 Shooting, Nikonisti