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Museo Nicolis Award” 6th Edition and “Business Challenge” 3rd Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Giuseppe Manni – President of Gruppo Manni


Business Challenge Award: Riccardo Donadon – Founder and AD H-Farm



 “Museo Nicolis Award” 5th Edition and “Business Challenge” 2nd Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Cav. del Lav. Giovanni Rana – Founder of Pastificio Rana

6781Silvia and Thomas Nicolis present the Award to Giovanni Rana

The Award was assigned to Giovanni Rana, indisputable ambassador of Made in Italy food products. The Veronese industrialist described how his company developed. Beginning in the 1960s as a local workshop for the production of fresh filled pasta (which Rana himself prepared), it expanded when the first machines were introduced, which not only led to a “production boom” (in 1968, 10 kg of pasta a day became 10 kg an hour!), but also to the product’s total industrialisation, while still maintaining the quality and goodness of home-made pasta. The introduction along the entire production line (production, packaging, preserving, storage, distribution) of highly advanced control systems has positioned Rana as one of the most avant-garde companies in the filled pasta sector and has favoured its rise to the Italian market leader. The natural evolution of the business, aided by Gian Luca Rana’s entry into the company, has been its internationalisation and the conquest of top European markets.

Business Challenge Award: Alessio Scaboro and Lucio Biondaro – Founders of Pleiadi

6782Lucio Biondaro and Alessio Scaboro receive the Award from Silvia and Thomas Nicolis

The Award was assigned to Alessandro Scaboro and Lucio Biondaro from Pleiadi, an organisation founded in 2009 with the aim of communicating and divulging science in an interactive manner. The Company is the only one in Veneto to be a member of ECSITE, the European Network of Science Center and Museums. By means of didactic workshops, a digital planetarium, weeks of science and cultural exhibitions, Pleiadi takes its activities around the various Italian regions and develops important science-based educational programmes for companies and institutions.

 “Museo Nicolis Award” 4th Edition and “Business Challenge Award”1st Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Cav. del Lav. Sandro Veronesi – President of Calzedonia Group

6778Luciano Nicolis presents the Award to Sandro Veronesi

The Award was assigned to Sandro Veronesi, Managing DIrector of Calzedonia, a company which he himself founded in 1987 and which is now at the top of the lingerie market. An extremely dynamic organisation that, now more than ever, is aiming at internationalisation.
The winning factor, both in Italy and abroad, is the absolutely competitive price/quality ratio added to careful focus on style and design, the use of avant-garde materials and fabrics and collections that are a step ahead of tastes and trends. The distribution technique on which all three brands are based is also a winning strategy, as is the agile and advanced franchising network that takes extreme care of store image and strategic positioning in key areas of the largest cities. This concept was introduced by President Sandro Veronese when he launched Calzedonia back in 1987 for his leg-wear and bathing costumes. He later went on to extend the offer to lingerie with Intimissimi and Tezenis.

Business Challenge Award: Andrea Dusi – CEO Wish Days/Elation

6773Luciano Nicolis and Andrea Dusi with the Business Challenge Award

Presented for the first time, the “Business Challenge” Award goes to Andrea Dusi, Managing Director of Elation, Italy’s number one portal for “experience gifts” and a company that has challenged the market with highly innovative projects on the web.

“Museo Nicolis Award” 3rd Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Sandro Boscaini – President of Masi Agricola

6772Luciano Nicolis and Sandro Boscaini with the Award

The Award was assigned to Sandro Boscaini, President of Masi Agricola, one of the great players in the Italian wine sector and a businessman who has achieved significant results all over the world. Sandro Boscaini represents the sixth generation of a Veneto Region wine-producing family. Masi Agricola products are available in over 60 countries worldwide and exports exceed 88% of production, thus placing the company as one of the top Italian wine producers in the world.
The Award presentation ceremony was preceded by a round table discussion on the theme: “The best of the Veneto Region in terms of know-how, tradition and innovation.”
During a “live” interview with Roberto Di Lellis, Sandro Boscaini spoke about talent, business challenges and Veneto quality products by describing the history of Masi Agricola, its world famous wines and the important cultural initiatives that Fondazione Masi has promoted.

” Museo Nicolis Award” 2nd Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Alessandro Fedrigoni – President of the Cartiere Fedrigoni Groupv

6771Luciano Nicolis and Alessandro Fedrigoni with the award

The Award was assigned to the entrepreneur Alessandro Fedrigoni, a Veronese businessman at the head of this paper empire founded in Verona in 1888, which operates with factories and production activities all over the world and now represents a leading organisation in the paper industry sector.
The award attributed to Alessandro Fedrigoni is a public recognition of the values that this entrepreneur has been able to transmit in his business: vision, innovation, ethics, personal and professional responsibility towards the territory and community and promoting mankind and his abilities.
It should be added that the market in which Fedrigoni works is strongly linked to the world of culture of which Museo Nicolis is an expression.

“Museo Nicolis Award” 1st Edition

Museo Nicolis Award: Apollinare Veronesi – Honorary President of the Veronesi Group

6770Luciano Nicolis and Apollinare Veronesi with a photograph of the first truck

The Award was presented to the entrepreneur Apollinare Veronesi for having known how to express, in his own personal life and in his business, an enormous passion for innovation, above all by taking every opportunity that progress in mechanics and means of transport offered for his company.
The Veronesi Group offers a set of services that range from zootechnical products to livestock breeding and food products, perfectly integrating the complex and delicate chain and extracting added value, in total respect of all those involved. A key factor to the success of this company is its logistical organisation, the mainstay of an efficient distribution system, which began at the very dawn of the Group with the purchase of an old truck, bearing the number plate VR 4299, which helped to speed up the deliveries of sacks of flour and expanded the Veronesi market.
This love of applied mechanics and means of transport, which Museo Nicolis has awarded, led Veronesi to grow and has always been such a deep-rooted part of his story that he “obliged” his children to obtain their driving licences at 18 years of age so that they could go out into the world and find new opportunities.